I’m not a good college fan – sometimes I root against other SEC teams in bowl games. That said I will absolutely defend the SEC as the best conference. Let me give the little stat I found that prompted this. Of the 120 teams in Division I football, the SEC had every team save Arkansas finish in the top 40 in defense. Over a quarter (11) of the top 40 defenses nationwide were in the SEC. That is argument that people who claim the SEC is overrated do not understand. Yes, USC can get pumped up and go beat Arkansas. But then they go home and roll over the listless PAC-10. You can’t be at your peak every week and in the SEC it you blink for second you are done. It is not hard to beat a given SEC team once, but having to win eight slugfests is. That is why it is so grueling to come out on top in the SEC and why it is a championship game appearance worthy accomplishment (which has been proven by winning the title three years in a row and having Ole Miss push Texas Tech around all day). And the SEC had a down year last year.